Heidi Willis

Sr. Associate, Architect
Tel: 515.657.4714
Contact Heidi
I grew up making.  Making, drawing, painting, folding — creating the next piece of artwork worthy of the refrigerator. The joy of the making process combined with rich client collaboration fosters a built environment that reveals a client’s hidden interests and passions. I enjoy developing a deeper connection with clients and am always inspired by our clients who deserve a well-designed environment that reflects their values. Driven by data, I approach every project with human health and wellbeing in mind as architecture is the armature for progress, collaboration, and growth. 
  • American Institute of Architects (AIA)
  • WELL Accredited Professional (WELL AP)
  • Drawing
  • Reading
  • Hiking
  • Photography
  • Making memories with family and friends
  • Always up for some friendly competition, no matter the sport
Fun Fact
  • I’m a certified open-water scuba diver with an excuse to take a trip south every year.